On this page you will find our previous annual reports, which are published in April/May and September.
On this page you will find our previous annual reports, which are published in April/May and September.
The shares of sitEX Properties Holding AG are traded on the over-the-counter platform BEKB OTC-X. The platform is operated by the Cantonal Bank of Bern. The 2’255’192 sitEX shares are listed under security number 921918 or ISIN CH0009219186.
The current articles of association of sitEX Properties Holding AG can be downloaded using the following link:
Andreas Derzsi
Investor Relations
E-mail: andreas.derzsi@sitex.ch
September 16, 2024
In the first half of 2024, our company again achieved a net profit after tax of CHF 1,508 million. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) amounted to CHF 4,316 million with consolidated gross sales of CHF 10,859 million.
Further key financial figures and information on business performance in the first half of the year as well as an outlook for the second half of 2024 can be found in our semi-annual report.
May 17, 2024
The market environment remained challenging in 2023. Thanks to our diversification and focus on our core projects, the past financial year seamlessly joined the company’s list of successful financial years. Operating earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation amounted to CHF 16.857 million. Profit before taxes was CHF 16 million. Profit after taxes was CHF 9.532 million, which corresponds to earnings per share of CHF 4.23 and a return on equity of 5.6%.
September 6, 2023
Our company realized a pleasing net profit after taxes of CHF 7.335 million in the first half of 2023 (previous year: CHF 13.185 million). The operating result before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization amounted to CHF 13.736 million on consolidated gross sales of CHF 32.699 million.
As a result of further monetization within the project pipeline, total assets decreased to CHF 454.816 million (previous year: CHF 477.595 million), with equity together with treasury shares, subordinated convertible bonds and subordinated loans representing 45.80% of total assets (previous year: 44.42%).
April 21, 2023
sitEX achieved an exceptionally pleasing financial result in 2022 with a net profit after taxes and minority interests amounting to CHF 21.16 million (previous year: 35.982 million). EBITDA amounted to CHF 39.027 million (previous year: 58.780 million). The return on equity was 12.4%. The company’s equity could be further strengthened and amounted to CHF 177.825 million as of the same balance sheet date (previous year: 163.531 million). Taking into account treasury shares and subordinated convertible loans, the equity ratio increased to 42.47% (previous year: 41.78%).
August 15, 2022
Despite the challenging market environment, the company can look back on a successful first six months. Net profit after tax amounted to CHF 13.259 million (previous year: 12.973 million). EBITDA amounted to CHF 21.028 million (previous year: 18.773 million). Consolidated gross sales amounted to CHF 58.194 million(previous year: 38.706 million). Approximately CHF 44.065 million of the total revenues were generated from the sale of properties and land, the core business of the company. The remaining revenues were generated from rentals and revaluations.
April 6, 2022
Despite the continued numerous challenges in the global economy, sitEX Properties Holding AG looks back on an exceptionally successful year 2021, both in terms of profitability and strategic direction. The operating result before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation was CHF 58.780 million. Profit before taxes was CHF 53.361 million. Profit after taxes and minority interests was CHF 35.982 million, representing earnings per share of CHF 15.96 and a return on equity of 23.4%.
September 28, 2021
In the first half of 2021, sitEX Properties Holding AG increased its profit year-on-year to CHF 12.973 million (H1 2020: CHF 10.454 million). Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) amounted to CHF 18.528 million (previous year: CHF 13.299 million). Detailed information on the key milestones of the first half of 2021 can be found in the semi-annual report.
April 27, 2021
The sitEX Properties Holding AG achieved its best result ever in the challenging pandemic year 2020. Operating income before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization amounted to CHF 41.633 million. Profit before taxes was CHF 36.285 million, while profit after taxes and minority interests was a satisfactory CHF 26.814 million, representing earnings per share of CHF 11.65 and a return on equity of 18.7%. Further information on the 2020 financial year and the outlook for 2021 can be found in the annual report.
August 24, 2020
sitEX Properties Holding AG achieved the largest half-year profit in the history of the company with CHF 10.454 million (previous year: CHF 8.239 million). Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) amounted to CHF 13.299 million (previous year: CHF 10.525 million). Further information on the first half of 2020 and the outlook for the second half of the year can be found in the Semi-Annual Report.
May 6, 2020
The sitEX Properties Holding AG closes the business year 2019 with a strong business result. The earnings per share could be increased by 55% compared to the previous year. The equity ratio was further increased and amounted to approx. 44.2% as of 31.12.2019. As a result of the transformation of the company, in 2019 for the first time the majority of profits were generated by development projects. Further information on the 2019 financial year and the outlook for 2020 can be found in the annual report.
August 28, 2019
In the first six months of the current financial year, our company was again able to achieve above-average results. Net profit after tax was at a record level (half-year). The net profit was generated through rental income (34%), development (48%), and realization of properties (18%). The equity ratio increased further to a solid 41.1% (equity: CHF 126.522 million) as of June 30, 2019 – nearly doubling from January 1, 2016.
May 29, 2019
sitEX Properties Holding AG closes the past business year with a profit of CHF 8.93 million. As a result, earnings per share increased by 20% compared to the previous year. The strategic and geographical refocusing of the company was rigorously pursued in 2018. Thanks to the implemented strategic measures and the repayment of loans, the equity ratio increased to a pleasing 38.6% (beginning of 2016: 23.8%).
September 4, 2018
sitEX Properties Holding AG generated a consolidated profit of CHF 888,000 in the first half of 2018. As the earnings from our projects in the USA and other special effects, such as the revaluation gains particularly in Australia, were already booked last year, the profit for the first half of 2018 mainly stems from the rental income of our portfolio properties.
May 15, 2018
We continued to build on the success of recent years and closed the year with a pre-tax profit of approximately CHF 19.8 million. Thanks to the strategic and geographical focus as well as the organizational and personnel restructuring, profitability has already increased compared to the previous year. However, the full impact of all various measures that have been taken will not be visible until the 2018 financial year.
Sept 8, 2017
After a successful last year, we have started the new half-year with a lot of momentum. We can again report a profit in the first half of 2017. With a figure of CHF 5.679 million, the profit was 58% higher than in the previous year, whereby our project development activities had a particularly positive impact.
June 5, 2017
Thanks to our diversified strategy with investment properties on four continents and development projects in Switzerland and the USA, we were able to close the year 2016 with a new record financial result.
In dieser Funktion seit: 29.6.2017
Beat Kähli ist verheiratet und Vater von vier Kindern. Das Amt als CEO von sitEX übernahm Beat Kähli im Juni 2017 im Zuge der strategischen Neuausrichtung der Gesellschaft. Er ist seit 2011 Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates von sitEX. Als Gründer und CEO der Avalon Park Group hat er mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung in den Bereichen Immobilien, Investmentbanking und Finanzberatung. Er ist Mehrheitsaktionär, Partner und CEO von mehreren Gesellschaften aus verschiedenen Industrien. Unter anderem hat er das Immobilienprojekt «Avalon Park» nahe Orlando mit einem Gesamtvolumen von USD 1,5 Mia. lanciert. Dieses gehörte mehrere Jahre zu den erfolgreichsten Immobilienprojekten in Florida. Weiter war Beat Kähli erfolgreicher Unternehmer in der Zementindustrie. Sein Unternehmen Prestige wurde zum grössten unabhängigen Betonproduzenten im Bundesstaat Florida. 2007 verkaufte er die Prestige-Gruppe erfolgreich an einen ausländischen Betonhersteller. Beat Kähli sitzt im Verwaltungsrat von verschiedenen Unternehmen in der Schweiz und den USA.
In dieser Funktion seit: 29.6.2017
Dr. Christoph Stutz aus Basel ist Jurist mit Schwergewicht auf Bau- und Planungsrecht, speziell Quartierplan- respektive Bebauungsplanverfahren zur Umzonung bestehender grösserer Areale. Seit 1997 führt er die eigene Firma Büro Dr. Stutz, Projektmanagement und Immobilienentwicklung. Er ist Verwaltungsrat in verschiedenen Gesellschaften der Immobilien- und Baunebenbranche sowie der Energiebranche. Seine früheren Tätigkeiten im öffentlichen Transportwesen, im Gesundheitswesen und als Regierungsrat des Kantons Basel-Stadt verschaffen ihm ein breites Wissens- und Erfahrungsfeld. Zu den grösseren Projekten unter seiner Mitwirkung zählen beispielsweise die Gesamtleitung der Überbauung «Bahnhof Ost, Peter Merian Haus und Jacob Burckhardt Haus» mit einem Investitionsvolumen von CHF 700 Mio. und einer Bruttogeschossfläche von mehr als 100 000 m². Weiter war er mitverantwortlich für die Erstellung mehrerer Stockwerkeigentumsüberbauungen und Mietwohnungsbauten in Basel, Rheinfelden, Oberwil, Ettingen, Allschwil, Liestal, Laufen und Schlieren mit Investitionsvolumina zwischen CHF 10 Mio. und CHF 75 Mio. Er war überdies Mitglied des Steuerungsausschusses für die städtebauliche Entwicklung des Grossareals Klybeck plus (260 000 m²) in Basel mit den drei Partnern Novartis – BASF – Kanton Basel-Stadt. Zudem leistet war überdies Mitglied des Stiftungsratsausschusses der Fondation Beyeler Basel/Riehen wesentliche ehrenamtliche Arbeit.
In dieser Funktion seit: 2010
Thomas Giese begleitet sitEX bereits seit ihrer Gründung als Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates. Er startete seine Berufslaufbahn bei Nestlé in Frankfurt und New York. Er arbeitete in verschiedenen globalen Managementfunktionen bei Nestlé, Cereal Partners Worldwide und E*Trade. Im Jahr 1999 gründete er die Investmentgesellschaft C.S.I. Capital Strategies International GmbH in Frankfurt am Main. Mit seiner Kompetenz für die Analyse von Investitionsopportunitäten und für das Risikomanagement ergänzt er den Verwaltungsrat auf ideale Weise.
In dieser Funktion seit: 29.6.2017
Marybel Defillo kam im Frühjahr 2017 zu sitEX, wo sie über die nahestehende Gesellschaft Avalon Park Group mit Sitz in Orlando (FL), USA, als Chief Financial Officer tätig ist. Sie verfügt über mehr als 15 Jahre Erfahrung im Bereich Wirtschaftsprüfung, hauptsächlich bei führenden amerikanischen Unternehmen. Während ihrer Tätigkeit im Bereich der Wirtschaftsprüfung war sie hauptsächlich für Unternehmen der Bau- und Immobilienbranche, des verarbeitenden Gewerbes und des Gross- und Einzelhandels tätig. Marybel Defillo hat einen Bachelorabschluss in Rechnungswesen und einen Masterabschluss in Finanzen und ist in Florida zugelassene Wirtschaftsprüferin. Sie ist Mitglied des American Institute of Certified Public Accountants und des Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
In dieser Funktion seit: Juli 2013
Andreas Derzsi begleitet sitEX seit Juli 2013 als Sekretär des Verwaltungsrates. Andreas Derzsi besitzt einen Bachelor of Arts der Universität St. Gallen (HSG) in Betriebswirtschaft sowie einen Master of Science in Investment Management der Cass Business School in London. Vor seiner Zeit bei sitEX war er im Bereich Private Equity, Unternehmensberatung, internationale Beziehungen sowie Business Development in Zürich und Singapur tätig.
In this office since: July 2013
Andreas Derzsi has been Secretary of the Board of Directors of sitEX since July 2013. Andreas Derzsi holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration from the University of St. Gallen (HSG) and a Master of Science in Investment Management from Cass Business School in London. Before joining sitEX, he worked in private equity, management consulting, international relations and business development in Zurich and Singapore
In this office since: 06/29/2017
Marybel Defillo came to sitEX in the spring of 2017 and serves as Chief Financial Officer through the associated company Avalon Park Group located in Orlando (FL), USA. She has over 15 years of public accounting experience mainly from top US national firms. While working in public accounting, she mainly served companies in the construction, real estate, manufacturing and wholesale/distribution industries. Marybel Defillo holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and a Master’s degree in Finance and is a Florida-licensed Certified Public Accountant (CPA). She is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
In this office since: 2010
Thomas Giese has been a member of the Board of Directors of sitEX since its founding. He started his career with Nestlé in Frankfurt and New York. He has held various global management positions at Nestlé, Cereal Partners Worldwide, and E*Trade. In 1999 he founded the investment company C.S.I. Capital Strategies International GmbH in Frankfurt am Main. With his expertise in the analysis of investment opportunities and in risk management, he ideally complements the Board of Directors.
In this office since: 06/29/2017
Beat Kähli is married and father of four children. He has served as CEO of sitEX since June 2017. Beat Kähli has been a member of the board of sitEX since 2011. As the founder and CEO of Avalon Park Group, he has over 20 years of experience in the fields of real estate, investment banking and financial consulting. He is the controlling shareholder, partner and CEO in a wide range of corporations spanning multiple industries. His successful projects include the development of Avalon Park Orlando, a real estate development which was the number one selling development in the Orlando area for several years with a total value upon completion of USD 1.5 billion. Beat Kähli has also found success in the concrete industry. His company Prestige became the largest independent concrete producer in the State of Florida. In 2007, the Prestige group of companies was sold to a foreign concrete manufacturer. Beat Kähli serves on the board of various companies and organizations in Switzerland and the United States of America, where he also provides direction and guidance for operations, including the development of strategic alliances and joint venture relationships.
Mr. Kähli has been named by the Orlando Business Journal as one of the Top Ten Most Influential Businessmen and the Reader’s Choice, Most Respected CEO in Central Florida. He has also been recognized by the Orlando Business Journal as Top Ten Most Influential Newsmakers and Top Ten Most Influential Businessmen in Central Florida. Additionally, the Orlando Magazine awarded Beat Kähli the honor of one of the 50 Most Powerful People in Orlando for three consecutive years.
In this office since: 06/29/2017
Dr. Christoph Stutz from Basel is a lawyer with a focus on building and planning law, in particular district and development planning procedures for the rezoning of existing larger areas. Since 1997 he runs his own company Büro Dr. Stutz, project management and real estate development. He is a member of the Board of Directors of various companies in the real estate, ancillary construction and energy sectors. His former activities in public transportation, health care and as a member of the cantonal government of Basel-Stadt provide him with a broad field of knowledge and experience. Among his larger projects are, for example, the overall management of the “Bahnhof Ost, Peter Merian Haus and Jacob Burckhardt Haus” development with an investment volume of CHF 700 million and a gross floor area of more than 100,000 m². He was also jointly responsible for the construction of several condominium and rental apartment buildings in Basel, Rheinfelden, Oberwil, Ettingen, Allschwil, Liestal, Laufen and Schlieren with investment volumes of between CHF 10 million and CHF 75 million. He was also a member of the steering committee for urban development at the Klybeck plus site (260,000 m²) in Basel with the three partners Novartis – BASF – Canton Basel-Stadt. As a member of the Foundation Board committee of the Foundation Beyeler Basel/Riehen, he also performs important voluntary work.